Students at our school follow the NZ Curriculum framework which has been reinterpreted into a local school curriculum.
- Here is a link to the NZ Curriculum Framework Click here
Our Core Curriculum is taught in the morning blocks
- Religious Education. Here is a link to the RE 'Bridging' Document Click here
- Literacy - Reading & Writing
- Numeracy - Mathematics
The rich curriculum is both woven into our core curriculum and/or taught using the 'inquiry' process as it can be used.
- Learning languages - Te Reo Maori : including opportunities for Noho Marae and Kapa Haka.
- Science
- Technology
- Social Sciences
- Health & Physical Education (including Swimming in Term One). The Health component has undergone consultation with the community 2023. Follow this link to the consultation document.
- The Arts - Visual Arts, Music & Drama
Developing our Local Curriculum
In 2023, the school is, with the assistance of a facilitator developing a local curriculum which is :
* Responsive to the needs of our community
* Is educationally sound, using effective pedagogy
* Reflects what is important within our local community.
We began by reflecting on the following question :
'What are the values, skills and knowledge that our children need to be successful in the future ?'
Feedback was sought from our community (whanau & parish) and students and staff.
We used this information to construct a Learner's Profile. This profile uses aspects of the school's crest and the school mission statement
Faithful, Responsible, Lifelong learners.
1. Who are we ? 2. What we believe 3. What we know 4. What we can do / are becoming
Represented by the Cross Represented by the Koru Represented by the Koru Flowing from the Cross
Maunga : Ruapehu/Hikurangi Awa : Whanganui Awa : Ongarue Moana : Whanganui to the Sea
This work carries on throughout 2023 and into 2024.
Careers Education : In 2023, the school held a Career's week for the whole school. The focus being :
- For the Junior School - Visits by Fire Brigade, Police, Ambulance
- For the Senior School - Zoom meetings by the above to explain what they do.
Careers week will now be an annual fixture of our learning programme to be held in the 4th term
At St Patrick's we believe that students become increasingly responsible for their own learning.
At St Patrick's we believe that students become increasingly responsible for their own learning.
- It is important that students can talk what they know and to begin to understand what they need to know next.
- Ongoing use of learning progression to track progress and achieve and identify next learning steps. Students have their own copy of these and regularly check in with these documents.
- Teachers triangulate assessment to construct overall teacher judgements (OTJs) using standardised assessment tools, observation and discussion. OTJs are made each term in Reading, Writing and Mathematics and these are reported to the Board and to the community termly.
- Assessment is carried out for the purposes of further learning.